
Our programme includes a variety of guided walks, visits, talks by guest speakers and special events. Booking is not usually necessary but where it is required details will be given via this website, our posters and the local press.

Our Programme for 2024

Our confirmed programme for 2024 is listed below and will be updated as further decisions are made.

25th January 2024. “Mike’s Field”. A presentation by Mike Britton and Greg Chuter about the history of one of the field’s on Mike’s farm… which has some surprising secrets. At the Village Hall Jubilee Room (7.30) and via Zoom.

21st March 2024. The Annual General Meeting of the History Group will take place in the Jubilee Room at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 21st March 2024. It will be followed by a slide show presentation of “Postcards of Halberton and nearby localities”. We have about 35 images to show you, dating mainly from the early 20th Century, which are from collections owned by Joy Wooding, Will Roberts and Gwyn Manley.

27th April 2024. MST reunion and Twose exhibition hosted by the Halberton History Group, also open to Group members. Uplowman Village Hall 11am to 3pm.

16th May 2024. Visit to Dunkeswell airfield and museum. Full details to follow.

25th July 2024. “The plough and ploughing”. A presentation by John Leach. At the Village Hall Jubilee Room (7.30) and via Zoom.

19th September 2024. “Roads and turnpikes”. A presentation by Peter Bowers. 7.30pm, Halberton Village Hall.

17th October 2024 “Was Jane Austen’s Aunt a shoplifter?” With David Pugsley. At Halberton Village Hall, 7.30pm.

In one of the earliest cases about shoplifting in high society, novelist Jane Austen’s wealthy aunt was accused of theft in Bath in August 1799 and tried at Taunton Assizes in March 1800. Was she guilty of theft, or were the shopkeepers guilty of perjury? This talk will present the evidence and ask the audience for their own verdict.

Since 1993 David Pugsley has been the Hon. Archivist of the Western Circuit (a body representing the interests of barristers in the South and South West of England). He has a special interest in causes celebres in the West Country in the nineteenth century.

November 2024 (date to be confirmed). Christmas Show and Tell and social evening. Halberton Village Hall.

Zoom. Please note that if you are on our email list you will be contacted and asked if you wish to be sent the Zoom sign on details shortly before any meeting that is being streamed. If you are NOT on our emailing lists and would like to attend any of these meetings please contact us by email at halbertonhistorygroup (at)